Academy of Light Medicine™ | Dr. Karen Kan

Spiritual Medicine Digest: Faith Downloaded to All of Humanity

Are these dark times? Or are they light times?


It really depends on your perspective doesn’t it?

When I read that “fear is the absence of faith”, it immediately clicked for me. If we have the faith that everything is as it should be, as Katie Byron talks about in Loving What Is book, and we keep our eye on the prize, then it doesn’t matter so much when things manifest does it? 

Divine timing is a funny thing. Frustrating as all heck to even the spiritual folks, who, in their estimation, are working their a$$’s off getting to a higher plane of consciousness. Most of us figure that we should be in Nirvana by now. Isn’t 5D supposed to be amazing???

Do you remember the funny commercial of the kid in the back seat of the car repeating the question, Are we there yet? to his parents every few minutes ad nauseum? I loved that commercial. Now it’s even funnier to me.

Yeah, we’re kind of in that space.

In this week’s Spiritual Medicine Digest, I share the latest global healing to All of Humanity – the #FAITH positive morphic field download. Once you connect intellectually with it, I hope you will be able to feel it filtering in through your body and consciousness. I also share the Compassion piece. 

I have the positive morphic field of compassion fully downloaded and activated, and my compassion and self-compassion scores are high.  However, when testing specific things, I was curious to find out that some were under 80%! So I did a self-healing! 

Let me show you how I did that, so you can do that for yourself too! It’s very revealing to say the least.

Click below to watch this week’s video and remember to subscribe to my channel on YouTube (currently not being censored – he he):



  1. In the space of wanting to have higher, more intimate conversations with my tribe and not just with my VIP 1:1 clients, who know what REALLY goes on behind the scenes, things that I do not share publicly for censorship and other reasons, I have signed on as faculty in a modern-day Hogwarts School (if you’re into Harry Potter you know what that means) called the International Academy of Universal Self-Mastery, IAUSM for short. I have already set up a private group called the Sensitivity Is Your Superpower Group. Within the safe walls of the university, I can be free to share with you what’s really going on behind the scenes and my conversations with Source about CV, politics, Vaxxines, etc., (and yes the censorship can troll email as well and I’m getting creative in my spellings of late), things I’ve been longing to share with you for quite some time.

    Here’s the great news, IAUSM founder, Ayse Hogan, is hosting a Master Your Mission 2-hour free masterclass (Saturday and Tuesdays) to introduce you to IAUSM and give you a grand tour of the school. You can also download a complimentary copy of their beautiful educational monthly magazine called Courtyard. Just go to my appreciation link: and sign up for the free class and tour.

    Starting in February, I’ll be doing regular “Take 20” meetings/chats with you inside the group to share the latest wisdom I have, without the prying eyes of you-know-who (big The other good news is that the school membership is under $10 a month until March 1st when it goes up to the regular price of $14.99. You’ll have access to lots of different free courses, events, and offerings from the University faculty as well as the opportunity to purchase any courses that you feel drawn to.  Go to to book your free Master Your Mission class and tour today and see if it resonates!
  2. On Monday’s Light Warrior Radio podcast, I have the pleasure of interviewing the lovely and amazing Deanna Hansen, who innovated Block therapy, about her newest book on fascia. Honestly, I’m in LOVE with fascia. I’m on my fifth book, including hers. It is, bar none, one of the most important underrated and underappreciated organs of our bodies. We practically skipped over talking about it in medical school! A travesty!  Here’s the link:–the-missing-link-in-self-care-with-deanna-hansen. Feel free to call in LIVE if you have any sort of issues like: chronic pain, scoliosis, tight muscles, anxiety, digestive issues, and get some advice on what areas you should “block” first.
  3. Mark your calendar for Friday February 19th at 2-4PM Eastern where I’ll be presenting a very special TOLPAKAN™ Healing Masterclass. The last one, Healing Faster than the Speed of Light was incredibly popular (we had almost 1000 registrants!). So I’m sure this one will be just as popular. I haven’t talked to Source yet about what to name it, but I’ll let you know soon. And if you’re in any of my social media groups, Facebook or MeWe, we’ll be putting up an event there as well.7

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